About this item
Heritage Cutlery HLCP-K150 Cable Splicer's Kit

- HLCP-K150
- Heritage Cutlery
- Telecomm Tool Kits
Key points
- Includes scissors, skinning knife and leather holster
Kit consists of our model 150 ergonomic stainless steel electricians scissors, heavy duty 100k skinning knife, and H-11 leather holster.
Physical Characteristics :
Width : 7 3/4''
Height : 2''
Material: Leather / Stainless steel

Multiple styles of Klein’s Heritage Electrician’s scissors are available for any job need. Whether you need pointed or round tips, straight edges or serrated, notched or sans-notch there is a model that will do what you need to work as an electrician.

Long handled short shank scissors are available. The extended handle allows you to get more strength into your cut by allowing more fingers and it features padding to reduce strain on the hand. The blades feature notches for stripping wire and cable and serrated edges.

Several kits are available, featuring a pair of Heritage scissors, skinning knife and a high-quality leather holster for easy storage on your belt. Being prepared for a job has never been easier.