About this item
Trend Networks R156005 SignalTEK NT Network Transmission Tester Kit

- R156005
- TREND Networks
- Specialty Testers
No files available.
Key points
- Now includes a touch screen
- Gigabit performance testing on passive cabling and active networks
- Generate PDF test reports to IEEE 802.3ab standard
- Simulate VoIP/CCTV/Web/IP video network traffic
- Tests connection speed, port ID, ping, traceroute, IPv4/IPv6
If you install, maintain or troubleshoot copper and fiber data cabling and Ethernet networks, SignalTEK NT allows you to test on both passive cabling and active networks.
If you install, maintain or troubleshoot data cabling and Ethernet networks, SignalTEK NT allows you to prove the performance up to Gigabit Ethernet
transmission rates.
By simulating actual network traffic users are able to test and document network and data cable performance to Gigabit Ethernet standards.
Where system warranties are not required the SignalTEK NT is a cost effective way of proving your copper and fibre networks provide error-free performance.
- Now includes a touchscreen
- Gigabit performance testing on passive cabling and active networks
- Generates PDF test reports to IEEE 802.3ab standard
- Simulates VoIP/CCTV/Web/IP video network traffic
- Tests connection speed, port ID, ping, traceroute, IPv4/IPv6
- Supports AnyWARE App