This 96" lightweight aluminum button bull float handle features a 1-3/8" diameter for easy handling. Powder coated aluminum provides protection for hands from turning black caused by oxidation. Swaged design fits multiple handles together without extra inserts. The nesting design secures the handle to brackets and other handles for an extended reach. A Single button clip is attached to each handle to connect to brackets or other handles. This snap handle fits easily on any Kraft double tilt action float brackets (Kraft Tool #CC270, CC290, CC294, CC296), or single tilt bracket (Kraft Tool #CC666, CC696, CC697). Handle fits Kraft Tool's Multi-Twist bracket (#CC686, CC687, CC688) with the Multi-Twist button handle adapter (#CC689). This handle can also be attached to clevis brackets or threaded brackets with an adapter. The bright red color is easy to spot on the jobsite. Must order in quantities of 3, priced per each. Must ship via truck due to length.